Frequently Asked Questions

1 - What does Raw Honey Mean?

When we say our honey is raw, we mean first and foremost that it has not been pasteurized or fine-filtered.  We want the honey in our jars to be just as natural as it is when the bees produce it in their hive. Our honey doesn’t pass through heat, filtration, adulteration, and pasteurization process, most importantly the extraction process is a cold extractionprocess, it is called organic. Most honey available in the market is commercially processed (heated). Therefore, it lost all of its incredible nutritional value and health powers.


2 - How long can the honey be stored?

Honey can be stored indefinitely because it does not get spoilt. As our honey is raw and we do not process it. You can use 100 years old honey if it was saved naturally and without the addition of any chemicals.

3 - Can your honey help in weight loss?

Yes, honey with warm water consumed on a daily basis can purify your blood and help in losing extra fat stored in your body. This is an organic way to get rid of your extra fats and overweight


4 - How safely will your parcel arrive?

We use the best packing material for our honey so it can reach you safely. Sometimes it is in jars and sometimes it is in bottles. Our aim is to keep it safe and in good quality packing.